Bluestone News | Truis

Build a brand, build a culture | Truis

Written by Admin | Jul 12, 2022 10:45:00 AM

Written by: Jenna Brooker · General Manager · Marketing

In 2020, we took the leap and rebranded from the Computer Merchants to Truis.

As Truis, we bring a human touch to the tech world.
We’re IT-people, sure. But we’re also people-people.

People-first IT isn’t a message specifically crafted for client-facing communications. Our belief in the power of humanising the tech industry sits at the core of what we do. To us, ‘people-first’ is an approach. A value. A process. An aspiration. And a vision.

Ahead of the rebrand, I knew that our people-first focus would resonate with our audience groups and stand out within the market. Afterall, we had the data from our research phase to back this up.

What I didn’t anticipate was just how much the rebrand would shape our internal culture.

Now, it’s worth noting that our rebrand wasn’t a reinvention. As Computer Merchants, we embodied the same values as we do today.
The difference is that through the rebrand, we’ve managed to take who we always were on the inside and show it on the outside.

So, how has putting people at the heart of our rebrand shaped our culture?

1. It’s united our team

Put people first  – this encapsulates our promise to our customers and our staff. It’s a simple statement. It’s easy to grasp. And it informs everything from the way our team speaks to others, to the way they approach problem solving.

Highlighting people-first has strengthened our working culture. It’s brought our team together through a shared belief and delivered a sense of community.

2. It’s kept our leadership team focused on the little human touches

If we’re going to talk the talk, we need to walk the walk. Putting people at the heart of our brand, internally and externally, keeps our leadership team accountable. At every step, we seek out opportunities to bring a little pop of joy into the broader team’s day-to-day.

Even the smallest things, like gifting Truis welcome kits to all new recruits, encouraging our people to take the company Telsa to meetings, or introducing Bring Your Dog To Work Day – they’re small things, sure. But these small ‘just because’ moments – they add up.

3. It’s put inclusivity front and centre

People-first means putting energy into understanding and celebrating each individual. It’s important to us that every team member feels like they belong with Truis, because they do. Diversity and inclusion workshops are now a part of the Truis fabric and much to our delight, our entire team has warmly welcomed these initiatives.

4. It’s helped us deliver support in new ways

Before we’re a business, we’re humans. This means that we’re invested in our team’s wellbeing, not just their workbeing. In the past few months, we’ve organised a company yoga course complete with Truis gear. To cool down from the EOFY sprint, we’re running a mind-body wellness workshop. And not so long ago, we sponsored the CPL Trek in which 30 of our team participated.

The impact these events have on our culture isn’t always something you can qualitatively measure.

But to me – the positive impacts of investing in our team’s wellbeing is plain to see.
They’re proud of where they work and what they do. During work hours, they’re going the extra mile. And when these events come along, they’re inviting their friends and getting their families involved.

They say the strength of a brand affects the culture of a company.
And since rebranding to Truis, I’ve never been more sure of this. 

Because whether we’re IT-people or people-people, at the end of the day we’re all people. And by shining the limelight on the simple act of putting people first, we’ve not only created a brand – we’ve created a culture.