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Fortinet Partnership

Over the past few years, the Truis x Fortinet partnership has gone from strength to strength. For over two decades, Fortinet has been a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Our Truis team has an intimate understanding of Fortinet’s cybersecurity solutions, which have been built to offer protection to all users and devices across all applications and network edges. 

In our time working with Fortinet, we’ve helped organisations of all shapes and sizes leverage Fortinet’s network security operations to keep their assets safe and secure. We like working with Fortinet because their network operations security systems are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry. 

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Fortinet’s broad portfolio of cybersecurity solutions are built from the ground-up with integration and automation in mind, enabling more efficient, self-healing operations, and a rapid response to known and unknown threats.

Traditional network architecture has been created without proper consideration of content, apps, users, devices, and location data. To account for this shortcoming, organisations typically overlay security solutions on top of their network. The problem is this approach often results in unnecessary management complexities, performance bottlenecks, poor user experience, and increased security vulnerabilities.

Fortinet’s approach is different. By designing operating systems and security processors as one, you’re set up to better avoid the common faults of traditional network architecture.

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Curious to learn more about how Fortinet can help support your network?
Talk to our Truis security consultants today.

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