As with previous interactions between Truis, the CSMS, and the BCC (Cr Sarah Hutton in particular), partnerships with a shared understanding are relatively easy to achieve. On hearing of the problems some families have in providing what is now commonplace in the school environment and then realising that major companies, such as Michael Hill jewelers, replace their technology hardware on a regular basis, an initiative was born. It is important that every child has the opportunity to achieve their highest educational potential, regardless of their social status and this initiative provides an opportunity for some of those disadvantaged children to achieve this.
Michael Hill became the jewel in our crown and Friday, November 25, 2022, became a landmark day for three state schools, Richlands East, Darra, and Carole Park, where each one received 30 reconditioned iPads (including charging stations and cables). There has been some significant work undertaken by Truis staff (assisted by Men’s Shed) to ensure the security and integrity of Michael Hill’s data is not compromised in any way and that the iPads are completely functional. Part of the pre-delivery planning involved ensuring that schools targeted for this initiative had technology staff who were aware and willing to take carriage of the extra technology in the school settings.

A shared understanding of social responsibility, sustainability, giving back to the community, and reducing waste (and therefore our carbon footprint) were the drivers for this initiative, and significant funding was required. It is, however, anticipated that this will continue for others in need. The smiles on students’ faces outlined the absolute privilege experienced by those representing Michael Hill, Truis, BCC and CSMS is a testament to this wonderful partnership.