Using our brand
We appreciate you wanting to use our brand and image. In order to make this as easy as possible for you, below are some samples of our preferred methods. If you are ever unsure about how to link to our website or use our image, please reach out.
Linking to us using text links
URL only
Linking to the company name
Linking to a specific page
Truis – About Truis
Our logo for use on the internet
Please do not link directly to these images. Save them to your own hard drive before uploading to your own website.
These files are not to be used in printed documents. If you require a higher quality or resized logo, please contact us directly.

Our logo colours
Our logo consists of 2 elements: Our marque, and the stylised type ‘Truis’.
In the master version of our logo, our marque is in ‘Truis Yellow’ and the stylised type is in ‘Truis Blue’. Please do not edit these colours without written approval from Truis.
Truis Yellow:
CMYK: 0, 20, 100, 0
RGB: 255, 185, 20
HEX # ffb914
Truis Blue:
CMYK: 100, 98, 0, 0
RGB: 40, 50, 140
HEX # 28328c