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Bluestone News

We understand the world of IT may be confusing. Our experts are here to lead the way and share their knowledge with you.


The Truis Rebrand

General Manager Jenna Brooker looks at the Truis rebrand, how times have changed, and the journey that led us to here.

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Diversity and inclusion: Stay Truis to yourself

At Truis, we believe that IT is for everyone. This means cutting the jargon to make IT easy for everyone to understand. It also means creating an internal culture that makes our people feel welcome to be themselves.

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Sustainability, making an impact.

Like most businesses, Truis aspires to be sustainable. Over the years we have invested in solar panels and LED lighting to replace fluorescent lights along with many other initiatives. Learn more about our sustainability practices here.

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How to set your organisation up for an efficient EOFY

The busiest time of the year for businesses is fast approaching. That’s right – EOFY is just around the corner. One of the key reasons EOFY feels like such a chaotic time for organisational leaders is because you’re required to laser focus on two areas at once...

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Essential 8: MFA – security for a hybrid workforce

How the Essential Eight is practically applied depends on the maturity level of the organisation, with more complex organisations requiring more comprehensive safeguarding measures. However, as the name suggests – all eight of these measures are essential in establishing a cyber security baseline.

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Essential Eight: Backups – Why Proactivity is the Ultimate Defence

Most of us have endured the experience of losing our personal data at one time or another. We’d see our device’s backup call-to-action, tell ourselves we’d “do it tomorrow”, and some time down the track, our device would crash or go missing – taking with it our treasure trove of files.

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Is it possible for your business?

If you’re looking for support or curious about new IT solutions, we are always happy to chat.

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