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Bluestone News

We understand the world of IT may be confusing. Our experts are here to lead the way and share their knowledge with you.


Behind our 5-Star sustainability rating

Late last year, Truis officially became a 5-Star HP Amplify Impact partner. The highest possible rating an organisation can achieve, this milestone is an exciting next step in our ongoing journey with the HP Amplify Impact program—a program we’ve been a part of since its inaugural year in 2021.

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The road to sustainability

The road to sustainability Our sustainability journey started with awareness.

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How managed services can help you achieve the 'E' in 'ESG'

How managed services can help you achieve the 'E' in 'ESG' You only need to look around to see that sustainability is on...

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Thinking outside the bin: powerful people-practices to boost workplace sustainability

For organisations across Australia, sustainability is well and truly back on the agenda. Customers are looking to buy from sustainable businesses, valuing honesty and transparency around CSR actions. Read about how our people were central to our sustainability progress, and the lessons we learnt along the way.

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Is it possible for your business?

If you’re looking for support or curious about new IT solutions, we are always happy to chat.

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